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Jury / Witness Service


The University supports faculty and staff jury or witness service as it relates to their jobs or civic service.  ​

Applies to: 

All faculty and staff appointed to regular positions. 

Juniper Gardens
Policy Statement: 

Employees appointed to “regular” positions shall be granted leave with pay for required jury duty or for a required appearance before, and at the direction of, the Kansas Commission on Civil Rights, the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or a court.

Leave with pay may be granted if the Chief Human Resource Officer considers the granting of leave with pay to be in the best interest of the University. Such leave will not normally be granted for court cases in which the employee is the plaintiff or the respondent.

When any employee travels for a required appearance in a University vehicle, the employee shall turn over to the University any mileage expense payments received.

Each employee granted paid leave who receives pay or fees for required jury duty will retain all fees received. Employees called for witness duty may retain a maximum of $50.00 and shall turn over to the University any fees received in excess of $50.00.

If summoned or subpoenaed, an employee should notify the immediate supervisor as far in advance as possible of the date of required appearance but in no event later than the next working day after the subpoena is received.

Exclusions or Special Circumstances: 

Employees appointed to temporary positions are not covered by this policy.


Unless approved in advance for hourly employees, time taken may be considered an unauthorized absence.


Human Resources
103 Carruth-O’Leary Hall
1246 W. Campus Road
Lawrence, KS 66045

Approved by: 
Director, Human Resources
Approved on: 
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Effective on: 
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
Jury Duty, Subpoena, Court, witness, plaintiff, respondent
Change History: 
09/20/2024: Updated Human Resource Management (HRM) to Human Resources (HR).
08/30/2022: Updated term HR Director to Chief HR Director.
07/25/2016: No changes needed, updated DLR per Abby King.
05/21/2015: Updated date last reviewed
05/20/2015: Technical Updates as well as added purpose, applies, exclusions and consequences fields
01/23/2015: Policy formatting cleanup (e.g., bolding, spacing).
Personnel: Faculty/Academic Staff Categories: 
Leaves & Holidays
Personnel: Staff Categories: 
Leaves & Holidays

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