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Employee and Employee Dependent Tuition Rates


This policy summarizes tuition and fee benefits available to faculty and staff with a 40-100% appointment at the University of Kansas and to their dependents. It also describes the fee benefits available to full-time permanent staff of affiliated corporations.

Applies to: 

Lawrence/Edwards Campus and KU Medical Center employees and their dependents; full-time permanent staff of the affiliated corporations

Medical Center, Kansas City
Policy Statement: 

Eligibility for Staff

The employee rates benefit is available to full-time and part-time permanent staff (40-100% appointment) of any Kansas Board of Regents university and to faculty and staff of Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) units at Regents universities. Employee appointments must start no later than the first day of the first full month of the semester and continue through the 60th class day of the semester. For summer eligibility, employee appointments must start no later than the first day of summer classes and continue through the 30th class day of the summer term.

The benefit allows permanent employee to pay tuition equivalent to in-state rates. In addition, required student and wellness fees and off-campus area fees are waived. All other required fees are assessed, including course fees.

Applications for this waiver must be submitted to the Office of the University Registrar by the 30th calendar day after the first day of classes for the semester in which you are applying. See the official academic calendar for more information.

Full-time permanent staff (100% appointment) of affiliated corporations (KU Alumni Association, KU Athletics, KU Center for Technology Commercialization, KU Endowment Association, KU Medical Center Research Institute, KU Memorial Unions, KU Physician’s Institute, and the University of Kansas Hospital Authority) may receive a waiver of required student and wellness fees and off-campus area fees. Dependents of affiliated corporation employee members are not eligible for the staff rates benefit.

Eligibility for Post-Doctoral Research Staff

The Office of the University Registrar may waive the staff appointment start date requirement for first-time post-doctoral research staff who arrive and enroll later in the semester. In addition, these post-doctoral research students may receive the staff rates benefit for one credit hour of research each semester.

Eligibility for Employee Dependents

Spouses and dependent children of KU benefits eligible employees (100% appointment or the employee holds a regular payroll appointment for at least 40% time but less than 100% time and is enrolled in a graduate program) may be allowed to pay tuition equivalent to in-state rates. Required student and wellness fees and all other required fees are assessed.

Eligibility for GTA/GRA/GAs:

Graduate students with a GTA, GRA, or GA appointment of 40% or more are eligible for the employee rates benefit. Individuals who hold concurrent GTA, GRA and GA appointments totaling 40% or more as also eligible. Individual who hold consecutive GTA/GRA/GA appointments that if were a single appointment would meet the eligibility requirements are also eligible. The benefit allows GTA/GRA/GAs to pay tuition equivalent to in-state rates. Required student and wellness fees and all other required fees are assessed.

For fall eligibility, a GTA must have an appointment that starts no later than September 1 and continues for a minimum of four months. For spring eligibility, the GTA appointment must start no later than January 16 and continue for a minimum of four months.

For fall and spring eligibility, a GRA or GA must have either a salaried or hourly appointment (as determined by Human Resources) starting no later than ten business days from the beginning of the semester and continuing through the 60th class day of the semester.

Summer eligibility for GTA/GRA/GAs is determined by either an appointment of 40% or higher beginning no later than the first day of summer classes and continuing through the 30th class day of summer classes or by meeting the eligibility criteria for both the previous and fall and spring semesters.

Exclusions or Special Circumstances: 

If eligibility for the employee rates benefit ends or is found invalid before the last day of the applicable semester, tuition and fees will be reassessed for the entire semester. Out-of-state tuition, required student and wellness fees, and off-campus area fees will be assessed in the amounts described in the current Comprehensive Tuition and Fee Schedule.

Post-doctoral fellows are not eligible for the employee rates benefit. For more information on post-doctoral appointments, please see the Doctoral Candidacy Policy.


Office of the University Registrar
1502 Building
1502 Iowa Street
Lawrence, KS 66045

Approved by: 
Vice Provost for Enrollment Management
Approved on: 
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Effective on: 
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)

This policy was formerly incorporated in the Comprehensive Tuition and Fee Schedule, which is annually approved by the Kansas Board of Regents and published by the Office of the University Registrar. Previous issues of the Comprehensive Tuition and Fee Schedule are available as a reference.


Applicable tuition: This term means resident tuition is assessed for those eligible for resident tuition; non-resident tuition is assessed for those not eligible for resident tuition; and staff-rate tuition is assessed for those eligible. This pertains to all courses with a location at the Lawrence, Edwards Campus, or KU Medical Center. Off-campus courses, including study abroad, will be assessed tuition equivalent to resident rates.

Regents system staff: As used in this policy, includes unclassified, classified and university support staff members holding regular payroll appointments (excluding seasonal and temporary appointments) of the following institutions: Emporia State University, Fort Hays State University, University of Kansas, Kansas State University, Pittsburg State University, Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) units located at the University of Kansas, and Wichita State University.

Staff tuition rates, tuition and fees waiver, graduate teaching/research assistant, nonresident tuition waiver
Change History: 
09/09/2024: Updated "campus fee" to "student and wellness fee".
07/05/2024: Added clarifying explanation of benefits eligible employees.
01/24/2024: Updated broken link.
08/15/2023: Changed term staff to employee; updated broken links; and changed language for 3G section to include “consecutive” appointments. 
06/01/2023: Updated contact information.
03/01/2023: Updated contact section. KU Visitor Center to 1502 Building.
10/16/2019: Updated eligibility for GTA/GRA/Gas section
10/17/2014: Policy formatting cleanup (e.g., bolding, spacing).
02/10/2014: Added missing GTA & GA salary appointment update.
03/27/2013: GTA & GA salaried appointment date amended by Brian McDow.
05/2011 Reviewed and Approved by Marlesa A. Roney, Ph.D., Vice Provost for Student Success.
Personnel: Staff Categories: 

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