Lecturer Salaries in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
To provide guidelines for the salaries of lecturers in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences.
Lecturers in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences.
Fall and Spring semester salaries for lecturers shall be based on educational level, teaching experience, and the level and size of the course(s) being taught.
Effective with the 2022–23 academic year, the following shall be minimum lecturer salaries based on educational level:
- for lecturers with master’s degrees: $4,750 per 0.25 FTE
- for lecturers with doctoral degrees: $5,000 per 0.25 FTE
Lecturers may periodically receive merit salaries increases. Therefore, an experienced lecturer may receive a salary higher than the educational-level minimum. Similarly, demonstration of previous teaching experience may justify a starting salary higher than the educational-level minimum.
A lecturer teaching a more advanced course may receive a salary higher than the educational-level minimum.
Normally, 0.25 FTE equates to one 3-credit-hour course. Courses with unusually small or large required levels of effort may equate to a smaller or larger FTE.
These guidelines do not apply to summer courses.
Director of Finance and Planning
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
University of Kansas
224 Strong Hall
1450 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, KS 66045
09/02/2022: Updated amounts to $4,750 and $5,000 effective AY 2022–23.
03/14/2019: Updated.
03/17/2017: Remove BA from tiers, update salary, and change from “per course” to “.25 FTE.”
07/05/2016: Clarified minimum salary levels do not apply to summer semester teaching.
06/08/2015: Revised by the Dean of the College to show new salary amounts in the College
07/01/2007: Approved by the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences