University Fundraising
This document describes official University of Kansas policy governing the development of university-approved projects requiring private support and required procedures for clearing all funding sources prior to any approaches seeking private support.
All University of Kansas students, faculty, staff, and University-related organizations making requests for private fundraising support
Critical to the University’s success is a strong, enduring relationship with its donors. KU Endowment recognizes its role in coordinating University fundraising throughout the entire University and is committed to donor-driven discussions and approaches.
KU Endowment is the designated and officially recognized university-related foundation charged with the responsibility of encouraging, soliciting, and managing private resources contributed for the benefit of the University of Kansas, its students, faculty and staff. KU Endowment must be consulted regarding any private fundraising efforts.
All requests by University of Kansas students, faculty, staff, and University-related organizations for private fundraising support, and the assistance of KU Endowment in securing that private support, must come first to the attention of the chancellor through the normal administrative channels of the University.
In order to ensure comprehensive fundraising coordination throughout the University, KU Endowment has adopted the following policies and procedures:
- A prospect tracking system that coordinates donor approaches and documents gift discussions. When appropriate, administrators should provide substantive donor discussion information to KU Endowment staff so that all University units have relevant information about those units interacting with the donor.
- Annually develop Major Gift Development Plans to consider each academic unit’s fundraising strategy. These plans are shared with the respective executive vice chancellor of the unit and are essential to good development planning. Academic deans and directors are encouraged to participate in the creation of these Plans and should review and discuss them with their KU Endowment development staff. Direct mail and phone solicitations on behalf of the University are done year-round by KU Endowment and involve the crafting of appropriate unit-based giving messages. KU Endowment provides an annual overview of calling and mailing efforts to each academic unit supported through these efforts.
- KU Endowment development staff meet with prospects and donors to discuss University initiatives and need the periodic consultation of deans and directors to articulate approved priorities. Development staff will share their professional acumen concerning project viability. If an academic unit is wishing to undertake a fundraising project of any size, the unit is to request a feasibility assessment by KU Endowment. A feasibility assessment will consider several factors (among them past giving to the academic unit, qualified major gift prospects to the unit, other concurrent University fundraising initiatives, previous prospect and donor discussions, to name a few) in order to determine the likelihood of the initiative’s fundraising success. The feasibility assessment will be provided to the academic unit head as well as the provost and executive vice chancellor, executive vice chancellor and/or chancellor of the University.
The Official Request for Fundraising Assistance and Feasibility shall include:
- Definition of the proposed fundraising activities and goals of the project.
- An outline of the need and purpose for which private support is sought.
- A statement of the approximate timeframe for which the solicitation(s) is (are) proposed.
- A list of the potential funding sources to be approved as prospects for solicitation or a reference to an existing and clearly defined list such as those maintained by the KU Alumni Association for a particular school, department, unit or group.
- A budget plan to support the solicitation(s) if needed.
- The chancellor’s affirmation of the institutional priority for the project.
Provided the feasibility is affirmed, an official request for fundraising assistance supporting the project shall then be submitted in writing by the chancellor to the president of KU Endowment as a formal fundraising priority.
- KU Endowment shall be the final arbiter in assessing the likelihood for private fundraising success and in approving approaches to funding prospects including individuals, corporations, and foundations.
- Solicitations to, discussions with, or requests for private support from any private foundation (regional, family, or non-corporate foundation) must be approved by KU Endowment before the proposal is submitted to the foundation.
These policies and procedures are developed to facilitate, coordinate, and ensure success of solicitations supporting University priorities by members of the University family on all campuses of the University of Kansas and are meant to ensure that prospects are not solicited on an uncoordinated basis to the detriment of other projects pending with individuals, corporations, organizations, or private foundations.
Lawrence Campus:
Office of the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
University of Kansas
Strong Hall, 1450 Jayhawk Boulevard, Room 250
Lawrence, KS 66045
Medical Center Campus:
Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor
University of Kansas
Medical Center
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Kansas City, KS 66160
06/29/2017: Fixed broken link.
05/22/2017: Fixed broken link.
04/03/2015: Fixed broken link to Board of Regents Policy Manual.
12/18/2014: Fixed broken link to Board of Regents Policy Manual.
11/17/2014: Policy formatting cleanup (e.g., bolding, spacing).
05/15/2008: Updated.
03/2003: Updated.
04/2000: Updated.
08/1996: Updated.
02/18/1994:Approved by Chancellor Gene A. Budig.