Full-time Enrollment for Graduate Students
Defines full-time and part-time enrollment for graduate students.
Graduate students on the Lawrence and Edwards Campuses.
This policy defines the categories of full-time and part-time enrollment. For other policies related to enrollment and employment, please see the list below under related documents.
All of the following meet the definition of full-time enrollment for Fall and Spring semesters:
- Enrollment in 9 credit hours;
- Enrollment in 6 credit hours plus a GTA, GRA, or GA appointment, regardless of percentage of appointment;
- Enrollment in 6 credit hours for active-duty military graduate students;
- Doctoral candidates enrolled in dissertation hour(s). See Doctoral Candidacy (post-comprehensive enrollment).
All of the following meet the definition of full-time enrollment for Summer semesters:
- Enrollment in 6 credit hours;
- Enrollment in 3 credit hours plus a GTA, GRA, or GA appointment, regardless of percentage of appointment;
- Enrollment in 3 credit hours for active-duty military graduate students;
- Doctoral candidates enrolled in dissertation hour(s). See Doctoral Candidacy (post-comprehensive enrollment).
3/4-time enrollment for Fall and Spring semesters:
- Enrollment in 7 credit hours;
- Enrollment in 4.5 credit hours plus a GRA appointment*, regardless of percentage of appointment.
3/4-time enrollment for Summer semesters:
- Enrollment in 4.5 credit hours;
- Enrollment in 2 credit hours plus a GRA appointment*, regardless of percentage of appointment.
Half-time enrollment for Fall and Spring semesters:
- Enrollment in 5 credit hours;
- Enrollment in 3 credit hours plus a GRA appointment*, regardless of percentage of appointment;
- Enrollment in 3 credit hours for active-duty military graduate students.
Half-time enrollment for Summer semesters:
- Enrollment in 3 credit hours;
- Enrollment in 1 credit hour plus a GRA appointment*, regardless of percentage of appointment;
- Enrollment in 1 credit hour for active-duty military graduate students.
*Only master’s students in their last semester of study are eligible for the 3/4-time and half-time enrollment exception while holding a GRA. For more information, see the policy on Graduate Research Assistant Appointment Eligibility.
Students enrolled in fewer hours than defined by half-time enrollment are considered part-time.
All students should check with their graduate degree programs and Graduate Studies’ policies to determine whether additional enrollment requirements or summer enrollment requirements exist.
Petitions for Exception
Departments may petition for program-level exceptions to this policy. After completing the department's and school's internal review procedures, petitions are submitted in writing to the Office of Graduate Studies for the Vice Provost's determination of final action. A successful petition details why the policy requirements are academically inappropriate for the program seeking the exception, demonstrates a solution that upholds the rigor and integrity of graduate education at KU, and includes documentation of endorsement by the School or College dean's office.
There are a few internship programs that have been approved by Graduate Studies to count as full-time enrollment. Students enrolled in these internship programs will be counted as full-time students.
Graduate Studies
01/30/2025: Added clarifying language to full-time enrollment definitions.
04/01/2024: Updated broken link.
07/27/2023: Updated broken link.
05/19/2022: Removed broken link.
06/25/2020: Changed Dean of Graduate Studies to Vice Provost of Graduate Studies.
12/02/2019: Updated policy.
06/07/2016: Graduate Studies added Student Employee Eligibility Requirements and Appointment Limits to Related Policies. Minor cleanup.
04/13/2015: Graduate Studies added ¾-time enrollment category for Financial Aid purposes.
04/09/2015: Fixed broken link to Master's Enrollment Requirements policy.
10/17/2014: Policy formatting cleanup (e.g., bolding, spacing).
12/06/2012: This policy was updated.