Billing Policy: Counseling and Psychological Services
To describe CAPS fee structure and billing procedures.
All eligible KU students who receive services at CAPS.
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) fee for psychologists and clinical social workers is $15 per session; fee for psychiatric services is $25 for a Brief Visit and $65 for Evaluation/Extended Visit.
Clients will be billed for appointments missed or not cancelled 24 hours in advance. Billing is processed through Watkins Memorial Health Center Business Office. While CAPS cannot guarantee that any service will be reimbursed by insurance, insurance may be billed upon client request.
Director, Counseling and Psychological Services
University of Kansas
1200 Schwegler Drive, Room 2100
Lawrence, KS 66045
06/25/2018: Updated Contact section
06/10/2008: Approved by Michael Lynch Maestas, Ph.D.; reviewed policy.