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Approval of Academic Programs and Academic Units and the Faculty Responsibility for Establishment of Curricula, Academic Standards, and Degree Requirements


To describe the responsibilities of the faculties of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Schools to establish curricula, academic standards, and degree requirements; to describe the general responsibilities of the deans; and to describe the circumstances in which broader consultation is required.

Applies to: 

Faculty and academic staff of the Lawrence and Edwards campus

Policy Statement: 

Subject to administrative oversight, Kansas Board of Regents (KBOR) policy, state law, and the additional provisions noted below, the faculty of each School and the College may establish curricula, academic standards, and degree requirements.

In coordination with the Office of the Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor, the deans of the Schools and College are responsible for academic leadership and administrative supervision of academic programs within their units, including admitting, advising, retaining, and supervising students, monitoring their respective undergraduate and graduate programs, confirming that all University standards for graduation have been met, and awarding degrees.

  1. General requirements for admission to graduate study and for graduate degrees are established by the schools/College and by Graduate Studies as advised by the Executive Council of Graduate Faculty. 
  2. The University Core Curriculum Committee (UCCC) is responsible for oversight of the core curriculum; see University Core Curriculum Committee, Procedures and Criteria for Appointment for information about the composition and responsibilities of the UCCC. Other matters that affect more than one school are subject to the rules and regulations of the Faculty Senate.
  3. Approval for the following rests at the campus level with the Office of the Provost, as advised by the Academic Program Coordinating Committee (APCC)
  • new concentrations;
  • new undergraduate and graduate certificates;
  • new minors in an area of study for which KBOR has previously approved a degree.; and
  • new dual and dual-accelerated degrees in areas of study for which KBOR has previously approved both degrees.
  1. The Office of the Provost (as advised by APCC for new minors), the Council of Chief Academic Officers and the President and Chief Executive Officer of KBOR must all approve the following:
  • New minor in an area of study where no KBOR approved degree program;
  • changes in the name of an existing unit or degree title;
  • consolidation of two or more units or degrees into one unit or degree;
  • splitting a unit or program into two or more units or programs;
  • any new department; and 
  • any new school housed within an existing college.
  1. The Office of the Provost (as advised by APCC for degrees/majors), the Council of Chief Academic Officers, the Council of Presidents, and KBOR must all approve the following:
  • new stand alone college/schools;
  • new degree programs;
  • substantial reorganization of the university's academic structure;
  • extensions of an approved degree program to a higher degree level; and 
  • creation of a new major under an existing degree name.

Office of the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
University of Kansas
1450 Jayhawk Blvd., 250 Strong Hall
Lawrence, KS 66045

Approved by: 
Provost and Executive Chancellor
Approved on: 
Saturday, January 1, 1966
Effective on: 
Saturday, January 1, 1966
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)

Kansas Board of Regents (KBOR), a nine-member Board, is the governing board of the six state universities in Kansas and the statewide coordinating board for the state’s 32 public higher education institutions (six state universities, one municipal university, nineteen community colleges, and six technical colleges). Regents are appointed by the Governor of Kansas and confirmed by the Senate.

Council of Chief Academic Officers is convened by KBOR and is comprised of the academic vice presidents of the six state universities. The Kansas Board of Regents Vice President for Academic Affairs serves as an ex officio member and the chief academic officers of the University of Kansas Medical Center and Washburn University participate as non-voting members. 

Council of Presidents is convened by KBOR and includes the KU Chancellor as well as the presidents of Emporia State University, Fort Hays State University, Kansas State University, Pittsburg State University, and Wichita State University.

Academic Program Coordinating Committee is chaired by the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs & Graduate Studies. One delegate is appointed by the Dean to represent each college/school and by the Dean of Libraries. The University Senate Executive Committee appoints one delegate to represent University Governance. The Chair of the University Core Curriculum Committee, representing the KU Core, the Assistant Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, and KUMC’s Vice Chancellor of Academic and Student Affairs serve as ex-officio, nonvoting members. The Academic Program Coordinating Committee makes recommendations to the Provost for approval of new degrees/majors, minors, concentrations, and certificates.

Authority of the faculty, establishment of curricula, academic standards, degree requirements, graduation requirements, admission requirements, minor, concentration, degree, major, certificate, undergraduate certificate, graduate certificate, program approval, dual degree, accelerated degree, new department, new school, name change, academic program, academic unit
Change History: 

07/12/2022: Updated Academic Program Coordinating Committee to include University Governance delegate; corrected typos.
01/20/2022: Updated policy to reflect current KBOR Policy and creation of the Academic Program Coordinating Committee.
01/27/2015: Added information for Applies to.
01/09/2015: Policy formatting cleanup (e.g., bolding, spacing).
05/14/2012: “Approved by” and “Review/Change History” sections updated to reflect information located in University Archives; UCCC responsibility added to item c of policy statement.
03/09/2010: updated to include “authority of the faculty”. Updates approved by Interim Provost Danny Anderson.
1998: The text above originally appeared in the 1998 handbook. The updates reflect the changes in responsibility that occurred when the Graduate School became Graduate Studies and the role of the Board of Regents in approving specific kinds of changes.
1963: A statement about the authority of school and College of Liberal Arts and Sciences faculty to establish curricula, academic standards, and degree requirements and the circumstances in which a broader review is necessary has appeared in the Handbook for Faculty and Other Unclassified Staff since 1963, when the document was known as The University of Kansas Faculty Handbook and was issued by the Chancellor.

Academic Categories: 
Academic Programs
Admission to KU
Graduation & Degrees

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