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Supplemental Salary Funding (SSF) Application Procedures


To assist faculty who apply successfully for nationally competitive fellowships by establishing a mechanism for making up the difference between the fellowship stipend and the amount of the faculty member’s salary and fringe benefits.

Applies to: 

All tenure-track and tenured faculty, Lawrence/Edwards Campuses

Policy Statement: 

Application Procedures

  1. The faculty member first notifies the Hall Center for the Humanities Grant Development Office (HGDO) at 874-7834 or kporsch@ku.edu of a fellowship or grant award. This includes awards for applications submitted independently or through another research center as well as those submitted through the HGDO.
  2. The faculty member responds to the granting agency to ask whether it will agree to pay the fellowship stipend directly to the University of Kansas, if this information was not provided in the announcement of award.
  3. In cases where the agency will submit funds directly to the university, the HGDO will provide information for electronic transfer of funds or, if checks will be issued, the information required for checks to be sent to the University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc. The HGDO also will assist the faculty member with filling out and submitting the appropriate acceptance forms for the agency.
  4. In cases where the agency makes payments directly to the faculty member, the university is not able to accept checks that are made out to the award recipient or personal checks from the recipient. The college/school will manage these types of awards on a case-by-case basis, working with each recipient to develop an arrangement that will allow the individual to remain eligible for SSF benefits while retaining the fellowship funds directly. Therefore, faculty members who win awards from agencies that will not submit the funds through the university need to contact the budget officer of the college/school immediately upon notification of an award to obtain specific information about the options open to them to qualify for SSF, work with that office to develop an arrangement, and then follow through with a formal SSF application to be submitted through the HGDO.
  5. The HGDO works with the faculty member to ensure compliance with the policies of the individual granting agencies. The HGDO sends the SSF application and the “request for research leave template letter” to the faculty member electronically. The research leave template provides sample text that can be used in crafting this required letter, which is to be printed on the letterhead of the faculty member’s academic unit. The unit director may wish to edit the letter accordingly. NOTE: the faculty member should not request a “Leave without Pay”; but rather, a “Request for Research Leave.”
  6. The faculty member reads, completes, and signs the SSF agreement form, prepares a request for research leave letter, and obtains the departmental chairperson's signature. In cases where agencies will not pay awards through the KU system, this signed document will include an addendum detailing the arrangements the faculty member has worked out with the School or College to remain qualified for SSF. By signing the agreement, the faculty member is agreeing to all stipulations, including those in any addenda. In endorsing the SSF agreement, the department chair agrees to cover the instructional needs of the department through internal reassignment of resources during the period of the faculty member’s fellowship.
  7. The faculty member provides to the HGDO the original of the SSF agreement form, any addenda, and the request for leave, together with:
    1. one copy of the award application (if the faculty member did not apply through HGDO),
    2. one copy of the award announcement,
    3. one copy of the acceptance letter and/or forms,
    4. indication of award amount, if it is not on the award announcement, and,
    5. one copy of any other materials that affect the establishment of the award.
  8. The HGDO verifies that the award meets the eligibility requirements for SSF. Upon verification, HGDO signs the SSF agreement and makes two copies of items a) through e) above (including the SSF application form and request for research leave). HGDO scans the entire packet to PDF and emails it to the college/school dean’s office, the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, and the faculty member, and hand-delivers the originals and one paper copy of the originals to the college/school dean’s office.
  9. The college/school dean’s office calculates the SSF amount. The dean or designee endorses the SSF agreement and request for research leave, thereby committing funds from the college/school for the SSF. The original packet with signatures is then sent to the Office of the Provost.
  10. The provost reviews and endorses the SSF agreement, sends the original packet back to the college/school dean’s office, and sends the signature phases of the fully executed agreement as a PDF to the faculty member, the departmental chair, the college/school dean’s office, and the HGDO.
  11. The SSF recipient tells the HGDO where the SFF recipient wants the award to be administered (department or Hall Center) and the HGDO then scans the entire packet and emails it to the University of Kansas Center for Research (KUCR), the SSF award recipient’s departmental administrator, and the Hall Center accountant, as appropriate. The relevant post award administrator sets up the appointment for the fellowship year or semester and handles any other post award grants administration. The faculty member is responsible for maintaining contact with the relevant post award administrator during the period of the award.
  12. KUCR requires faculty members planning to use SSF support to fill out the online PI proposal checklist at the same time that they provide their SSF materials to HGDO. This registration requires the faculty member’s own KU log-in (the username and password used for email). Faculty should simply fill in what they can and click the submit button; ignore the fields that do not pertain. If such a field demands an entry, type N/A.
  13. HGDO will provide KUCR with a copy of the fully executed SSF agreement, attachments, and any addenda, and KUCR will set up the award + SSF in its post-award administrative system.

Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs

Approved by: 
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Approved on: 
Friday, October 19, 2012
Effective on: 
Friday, October 19, 2012
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
supplemental, salary, funding, SSF, fellowship awards
Change History: 

02/12/2024: Updated Supplemental Salary Funds Agreement Form with accessible version of the document.
01/22/2024: Updated contact section.
09/15/2016: Updated Link to pre-approved agencies in the Related Others section.
07/11/2016: Updated to remove gendered pronouns.
11/03/2014: Fixed broken links; policy formatting cleanup (e.g., bolding, spacing).
10/19/2012: The SSF policy and procedures are based on the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences policy on Supplemental Salary Funding and extend SSF to all Lawrence campus schools. The policies and procedures were approved by Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Jeffrey S. Vitter on 10/19/2012.

Financial Categories: 
Personnel: Faculty/Academic Staff Categories: 

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