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KU Edwards Staff and Faculty Searches


To describe the KU Edwards Campus policy for conducting staff and faculty searches.

Applies to: 

All staff and faculty.

Policy Statement: 

Search Committee


  • A diverse search committee will be recommended by the hiring supervisor and approved by the Dean.


  • A search committee will be formed by the hiring unit/department.
  • All units intending to hire faculty for positions funded by the Edwards Campus (including adjunct lecturers) are required to notify the Assoicate Dean for Faculty and Academic Administration; the Associate Dean will determine those search committees which require KU Edwards Campus representation.

Travel Reimbursement


  • Travel and associated expenses may be reimbursed for candidates interviewing for positions at the Assistant Director or equivalent level and above, for positions that have rare, required skill sets, or for candidates interviewing for a position that has had at least one failed search.


  • For regional and national searches, travel and associated expenses may be reimbursed for candidates interviewing for faculty positions considered to be full time.
Exclusions or Special Circumstances: 

Edwards Campus Assistant Dean & Chief of Staff


Approved by: 
Edwards Campus Vice Chancellor
Approved on: 
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Effective on: 
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)

Hiring Supervisor: Typically the direct supervisor or manager of the unit/department with the open staff position. The hiring supervisor will be defined at the beginning of each staff search.

search, candidate, hire, interview, employee
Change History: 

07/19/2021: Removed internal procedures from the policy. Removed Lawrence policies already followed by the Edwards Campus.

06/13/2019: Updated URL

10/11/2018: Policy & Procedures Committee reviewed; corrected grammatical errors; provided detailed contact information.
05/17/2017: New policy approved by David Cook, Vice Chancellor of the Edwards Campus.

Personnel: Administrators Categories: 
Personnel: Faculty/Academic Staff Categories: 
Personnel: Staff Categories: 

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