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Outside Scholarships: Selecting Recipients on Donor's Behalf


Typically, the Financial Aid and Scholarships office (FAS) does not select scholarship recipients for outside agencies. However, there are instances in which the University is asked to select a recipient, and in some cases, that responsibility falls to FAS. This selection process includes reviewing donor criteria. Whenever possible, FAS will ask an academic department to select a recipient (primary resource). When the department does not select, or the criteria do not specify a major, FAS will select the scholarship recipient.

Applies to: 

Faculty, Staff and KU students.

Policy Statement: 

When the scholarship information is received by FAS, the criteria will be reviewed, and the following decisions made:

  • If the criteria specify a particular major or field of study of the recipient(s), the KU academic unit may be able to assist in identifying students.
  • If the criteria specify a demographic characteristic of the recipient(s), the Office of Admissions may be able to assist in identifying incoming students.
  • If the criteria specify that FAS is to select the recipient(s), the task may not be delegated to another office or unit.
  • FAS representatives will be solicited to serve on a scholarship selection committee.
  • The scholarship application, using criteria outlined on the donor’s letter, will be developed.
  • The availability of the scholarship will be published by sending notification to appropriate departments or units or on the scholarship website.
  • Once the recipient(s) is/are selected by the committee, the information will be shared with the donor and a determination will be made as to who will notify the recipient(s), KU, or the donor. The recipient(s) will be notified by email and a copy of the letter placed in the student’s permanent file.

Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships
1502 Building
1502 Iowa Street
Lawrence, KS 66045

Approved by: 
Associate Director, Financial Aid and Scholarships
Approved on: 
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Effective on: 
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
Selecting scholarship recipient, donor request for FAS selection, Scholarship recipient selection
Change History: 
03/09/2023: Updated contact section.
12/12/2022: Reviewed; no updates.
11/15/2021: Reviewed; no updates.
12/09/2020: Reviewed policy and added Edwards Campus.
10/15/2019: Reviewed and updated.
01/30/2019: Reviewed, changed formatting.
05/17/2018: Updated Contact, fixed formatting. 
09/15/2015: Reviewed and updated.
08/18/2014: Reviewed and updated.
08/23/2013: Reviewed and updated.
08/06/2012: Reviewed and updated.
08/19/2011: Reviewed and updated.
10/2010: Reviewed and updated.
06/2009: Reviewed and updated.
Financial Categories: 
Student Financial Aid

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