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Key and Electronic Lock Policy


To describe the University’s requirements for installation, maintenance, and replacement of conventional locks and electronic locks; to describe the process for determining which systems should be used to provide appropriate and cost-effective security in specific situations. The University’s general intent is to minimize issuance of hard keys, especially masters and sub-masters, and migrate to electronic access. This policy addresses door keys, including PX and SKD (special use keys); this policy does not address keys to file cabinets, desk drawers, lockers, or car keys. 

Applies to: 

All facilities of the University of Kansas Lawrence. This also includes any facilities leased by University departments. Affiliated units subject to this policy include the Kansas Memorial Unions, KU Alumni Association and Kansas Athletics, Inc. 

Policy Statement: 

All University facilities must be secured utilizing University-approved conventional locks or electronic locks.  Security devices such as keys, KU Cards, biometric readers and passcodes are University property. The Office of Public Safety has responsibility for oversight of University security programs and devices, and no University security device of any type shall be altered or replaced without the approval of the Office of Public Safety.

All requests for security devices must be submitted online via the Facilities Services work request form. Duplication of keys and storage of additional keys not pre-assigned are prohibited.  Keys, KU Cards, and/or access codes may not be transferred or loaned.  Lost or stolen keys, KU Cards, and/or codes must be reported to the Office of Public Safety within 24 hours of the loss.  Such loss or theft may require rekeying or reprogramming of locks in the affected space.  Failure to return issued keys may result in charges associated with the cost of rekeying; refusal to return keys upon request will result in a report of theft of University property. 

When an individual who has been issued keys leaves University employment or active academic status, the unit is responsible for insuring that the individual returns those keys to the Office of Public Safety.  Units approved for use of an electronic lock system for non-instructional space are responsible for programming the locks.  Units may not place security devices on University facilities unless they have obtained approval from the Office of Public Safety.

Anyone who installs, programs, performs maintenance or replacement as defined by this policy will have successfully completed a background check by the Office of Public Safety.


The Office of the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor is responsible for ensuring that standards for University-approved conventional and electronic locks are adopted based upon the recommendation of the Office of Public Safety, Design and Construction Management, Facilities Services, Information Technology, and the KU Card Center.

The Office of Public Safety is responsible for oversight of University security programs, and for performing security assessments, including review and approval of security access requests and security hardware requests from clients. In consultation with Information Technology, Design and Construction Management, Facilities Services, and the KU Card Center as appropriate, the Office of Public Safety is responsible for recommending to the Chief Financial Officer and Vice Provost for Finance security systems that, when used properly, provide a reasonable level of protection for facilities, property, and persons.  These systems include keys, electronic locks, alarms, and cameras.  Recommendations will be based on the intended use of an area, the value of its contents, the accessibility required, and the available security options.  When notified by Human Resources of a termination or resignation of a KU employee, the Office of Public Safety will revoke that individual’s security access. (See the Policy on CCTV for more detailed information about use of cameras for security.)

Design and Construction Management is responsible for installation of approved security systems as part of managing capital projects.  They are responsible for publishing and encouraging adherence to KU design standards including security systems.

The KU Card Center is responsible for administering the University ID/access system, i.e. creating user accounts, assigning system rights and privileges, expiring and resetting user passwords, setting up locations, monitoring daily system reports/logs, programming card readers/terminal servers, managing IP addresses for card readers, etc.; providing technical support, consulting, and problem resolution on software and hardware issues relating to the KU Card; producing and issuing the KU Card, departmental badges, and visitor cards; and maintaining the integrity of the system, in consultation with IT.

Facilities Services is responsible for maintenance and repair of key and electronic lock systems, installing and maintaining locks and door hardware, making keys, and working with the Office of Public Safety in tracking key issuance.

Information Technology is responsible for providing network connections and software support.

Clients are departments and affiliates requesting security devices under this policy. They are responsible for general overall security of their area to include issues such as locking doors and are responsible for maintaining an internal operating procedure for such. Units are prohibited from ordering additional keys not pre-assigned to individuals.

Individuals are expected to follow unit safety and security practices. Individuals must safeguard their keys and cards at all times and may not share them or loan them to others. Individuals must report their lost/stolen card via the myKUportal as soon as they no longer have possession of their card. Individuals are also expected to report the loss or theft of a key or KU Card to the Office of Public Safety within 24 hours. Problems with an existing security device should be reported to Facilities Services.

Exclusions or Special Circumstances: 

Significant units or buildings that wish to retain a higher level of oversight and responsibility for keys and locks may submit unit-specific operating procedures to be reviewed and approved by the Office of Public Safety. Such procedures must address all relevant protocols for keys and locks, including how violations will be handled. The units or buildings for which unit-specific procedures have been approved must be prepared to retain these responsibilities and oversight even as staff responsible for such functions change.

Acknowledging that resources are limited, systems already in place will be grandfathered in under this policy until they become inoperable or need extensive updates and/or repairs. 


Lost or theft of keys, KU Cards, and/or codes may require rekeying or reprogramming of locks in the affected space.  Consequences may include progressive disciplinary actions through KU’s Office of Human Resources and/or assessment of monetary penalties. Individuals failing to safeguard keys may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with Human Resources’ policy and procedures. Failure to return issued keys may result in charges associated with the cost of rekeying; refusal to return keys upon request will result in a report of theft of University property. The Office of Public Safety ​is responsible for enforcing this policy. 


Office of Public Safety
1501 Crestline Drive, Suite 120
Lawrence, KS 66049
785 864-5900

Facilities Services
1503 Sunflower Road
Lawrence, KS 66045-7617

Approved by: 
Vice Provost for Finance and Administration
Approved on: 
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Effective on: 
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
Keys, electronic locks, card access, card readers, security devices, KU Card, ID Card
Change History: 

02/17/2025: Removed link to retired procedures.
11/01/2021:Updated Key Issuance Agreement and Keyring Issuance Agreement.
03/12/2019: VP for Administration and Finance no longer exists. Future approvals will be made by the Chief Financial Officer and Vice Provost for Finance. 
02/14/2019: Added Key Inssuance Agreement links. 
05/30/2017: Fixed broken link.
01/21/2016: Policy revised. Prior to receiving approval from the Provost, these changes were recommended by a collaborative working group to the Campus Safety and Security Committee. The CSSC recommended the changes to the Vice Provost for Administration and Finance who then recommended approval to the Provost.
02/11/2011: Approved by Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor.
This policy statement was developed by the Office of the Provost in consultation with the Office of Public Safety, Facilities Operations and Planning, the KU Card Center, and Information Technology.  It reflects established practice.

Operational Categories: 

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