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Event Accessibility and Accommodation Policy


To articulate the requirements for making University of Kansas sponsored events and externally sponsored events occurring on campus meaningfully accessible to individuals with disabilities. 

Applies to: 

This policy applies to all faculty, staff, students, visitors, guests, and external entities, on any property owned, leased, or managed by any entity or component of the University of Kansas.

Juniper Gardens
Policy Statement: 

Inclusion is one of the core values of the University of Kansas. Our goal is to create a campus climate accessible to all, and proactively plan events free of physical, communication and/or other barriers so all individuals may meaningfully participate in campus activities and events.

Required Access Event Notification:

All institutional and departmental publications that describe or invite public participation or attendance in programs at the University, and all University-sponsored events held off campus, are required to contain the following statement:

"Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend University of Kansas sponsored events. If you require a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this event, please contact _____________________ [insert: the sponsoring department or contact person] by _________________, 20 ____ at [insert: telephone number, email, fax number].”

If space on the event publication does not permit the required event notification above, the following shorter notification statement may be substituted:

“If you require a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this event, please contact ___________ [insert: the sponsoring department or contact person] by ______20_____ at [insert: telephone number, email, fax number].”

Event Accommodation:

The event organizer is responsible for making the event meaningfully accessible and providing requested reasonable accommodations, which includes paying for any associated expense of an accommodation. No accommodation shall be required if the accommodation would fundamentally alter the nature of the event or result in undue financial or administrative burdens. Prior to denying an accommodation request, event planners must consult the Director of the ADA Resource Center for Equity and Accessibility. The Director must approve denial of an accommodation request.

External Entity:

External entities are required to include the event notification identified in this policy or a similar notification in all publications that announce or invite public participation or attendance in an event held at KU facilities.   External individuals, organizations or entities must provide written assurances to the University their event held at a KU facility will be meaningfully accessible.   The accessibility assurances may be contained in the written agreement for use/ rental of KU facilities.  Such agreements will require the external entity to ensure accessibility and provide reasonable accommodations. 

Health and Safety:

This policy does not require an event organizer to permit an individual to participate in an event when that individual’s participation poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others.   It would be a rare occurrence for an individual’s participation to pose a direct threat to the health or safety of others.  In determining whether an individual poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others, the event organizer, in consultation with the Director of the ADA Resource Center for Equity and Accessibility must make an individualized assessment to ascertain the nature and severity of the risk; the probability of potential injury; and whether reasonable modifications to the event or the provision of auxiliary aids or services will mitigate the risk.

Event Space:

University-sponsored public events held on campus will occur in physically accessible spaces. University-sponsored events off campus, or in a non-university facility will be held in facilities accessible to and useable by persons with disabilities as required by Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, unless the facility is an integral part of the event that cannot otherwise be accommodated.


ADA Resource Center for Equity and Accessibility
1246 W. Campus Road
Lawrence, KS 66045
TEL: 785-864-4946
FAX: 785-864-5790

Approved by: 
Senior Associate Vice Provost, Human Resource Management
Approved on: 
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Effective on: 
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)

KU is required under federal and state disability laws to make its programs meaningfully accessible to individuals with disabilities. This requires KU to provide requested reasonable accommodations to afford access, remove barriers to meaningful participation, and modify policies, practices or procedures as necessary to afford access, unless doing so would result in undue financial and administrative burdens or fundamentally alter the nature of the event.


Event: a planned, organized public or social activity or program sponsored by the University of Kansas open to the University community and/or the public. Events include, but are not limited to, conferences, seminars, forums, colloquiums, receptions, athletic events, athletic camps, youth programs, gallery exhibits, theatre and music performances, and graduation ceremonies. Events sponsored by external entities that occur on campus are included within this definition. Excluded from this definition are conferences that occur outside of the United States of America.

Event Organizer: the member of the University community, academic unit, department, student organization, other unit/group, or external entity organizing the event.

Access: the opportunity for individuals with disabilities to meaningfully participate in, utilize, benefit from and enjoy the facilities, programs, and services.

Physical accessibility: the opportunity for individuals with disabilities to have equal physical access to event activities. A physically accessible space will include, but is not limited to, accessible parking, an accessible route from parking to the event, accessible entrances, accessible bathrooms, elevators and/or ramps.

Disability, Event Accessibility, Accommodation, ADA
Change History: 

07/25/2018: Updated UEC Guidlines to link to new Event Management Procedures website.
04/12/2018: Published in Policy Library.
03/13/2018: Approved by Senior Associate Vice Provost, Human Resource Management.

Academic Categories: 
Assistance with Disabilities
Operational Categories: 
Student Life Categories: 
Assistance with Disabilities

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