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Third-Party Travel and Expense Policy


Provide guidance to non-employees traveling for official University of Kansas business.

Applies to: 

See Overview

Juniper Gardens
Medical Center, Kansas City
Policy Statement: 


The University of Kansas and University of Kansas Center for Research Inc. (Hereafter KU) Third-Party Travel and Expense Policy applies to KU suppliers, consultants and parties otherwise engaged in business or other affairs for the benefit of KU (collectively, “Third-Party”). For the purposes of this Policy, Third-Party includes suppliers and consultants and their employees, temporary employees, independent contractors, subcontractors, agents, participants or any other entity acting on their behalf.
For any given engagement subject to this policy, the following roles are defined as:
  • “KU Representative” means the KU faculty or staff member overseeing the delivery of services provided by the Third-Party.
  • “Appropriate Authority” means: 
    • All individuals with signature authority on behalf of University of Kansas Center for Research pursuant to any additional rules for research funding.
    • The Office of Procurement with regards to University of Kansas reporting units.
Exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Appropriate Authority. See Exclusions and Special Circumstances for further information.
All budgets, approvals, and other relevant information relating to any travel and expenses incurred in order to provide services to KU by a Third-Party must be mutually discussed, pre-approved, and documented in accordance with the Contract Review and Signature Authority policy. Unless specifically authorized in writing by KU, no travel and expense costs will be reimbursed by KU. 
KU will only reimburse Third-Party Personnel for actual, ordinary, necessary, and reasonable travel and expense costs. The reasonableness of any expense shall be determined by KU in its sole and complete discretion. KU and the Third-Party should specify in the applicable scope of work the maximum amount that KU will reimburse. 
Unless otherwise authorized by the Appropriate Authority: 
1. KU will not reimburse any amount that exceeds limits approved and/or authorized by KU. 
2. In the event a Third-Party desires to incur expenses beyond the allowable expenses (e.g., first/business class flight) under this policy, the University will reimburse for the allowable amount only. Any such expense must be pre-approved by the Appropriate Authority. Written approval will allow the University to identify the difference between the allowed expense and any overages for purposes of reimbursement.
If certain travel circumstances may be more beneficial to the Third-Party and KU, yet would be exceptions to the Policy, KU may, but is not obligated to, consider such exceptions.

Travel Requirements

1. Air Travel 

Third-Party Personnel must fly in economy or coach class and select the Lowest Logical Airfare (“LLA”) which allows the Third-Party Personnel to meet KU business objectives. LLA is the lowest priced, non-stop flight on any major carrier within a two-hour window of the requested departure or arrival time. If there is no non-stop available flight, the LLA is the lowest-priced connecting flight that does not increase the total travel time by more than two hours over the requested connecting flight. The third-Party must provide an explanation to the KU Representative upon submission of reimbursement if the actual fare used exceeds the LLA. KU will not reimburse the Third-Party for first or business class travel expenses.
KU will not reimburse any additional costs related to the accrual or administration of frequent flyer or other benefits. If Third-Party Personnel receive a full or partial refund from an airline for a business trip paid by KU, the refund must be paid to KU. This refund policy pertains to cash refunds, corporate credit card refunds and airline vouchers, where applicable. Reservations should be made as far in advance as possible (i.e., at least two weeks prior to travel).
Non-refundable economy/main cabin tickets should be utilized whenever possible. The University will not reimburse costs for non-cancellable tickets, fees, or reservations if a Third-Party Personnel voluntarily reschedules or cancels their visit for reasons unrelated to the University. Lost ticket application fees, extra leg room fees and charges for travel and luggage insurance are not reimbursable expenses. KU will reimburse reasonable fees for the appropriate amount of luggage given the nature of the travel.
KU’s reimbursable portion of multicity air travel for Third-Party Personnel cannot exceed the cost of a round-trip ticket from the individual’s home location to the University.

2. Ground Transportation 

Third-Party Personnel should utilize the most cost-effective mode of transportation for their destination, keeping in mind safety for the particular location. Ground transportation will be reimbursed for shuttle, bus, taxi, car rental, or ride share services (e.g., Uber, Lyft) subject to this Policy. Other professional chauffeured car services are prohibited. If a rental car is necessary and approved by the KU Representative, an intermediate/midsize car is the standard.
Traveling parties should consolidate car rentals and ride share services whenever reasonably feasible (e.g., if three individuals are traveling, sharing one vehicle is preferred). Similarly, travelers should rent or request vehicles that are the most economical for the number of travelers and their luggage (e.g., one traveler with minimal luggage should only rent or request a sedan or equivalent). 
It is the Third-Party’s responsibility to obtain and maintain appropriate levels of auto insurance. KU will not reimburse for any auto insurance costs. 
Parking, taxis, gas, and toll expenses will be reimbursed to the extent that they are necessary and reasonable. Rental cars should be re-fueled prior to return. Fines for parking, traffic violations, or towing charges will not be reimbursed. If KU reimburses for a rental car and fuel costs, KU will not reimburse for driven mileage. 

3. Mileage 

Mileage when Third-Party Personnel is driving a personal vehicle will be reimbursed at the State of Kansas standard rate if the underlying project is state-funded or at the IRS standard rate if KUCR-funded. Mileage reimbursement is based on the shortest available route unless documentation is provided that supports an acceptable alternate route. 
The mileage rate is meant to cover all costs associated with the use of a Third-Party Personnel’s personal vehicle including fuel, oil, tires, insurance, deductibles, uninsured losses, and expenses of any type. Reimbursement cannot exceed the mileage between traveling to the intended destination and return trip. When driving a personal vehicle rather than using the fastest public transportation, a Third-Party may be reimbursed the lesser of the mileage or “cost to fly” amount.

4. Rail Travel 

Class of Service for rail travel must be economy or coach. When traveling on Amtrak, Third-Party Personnel must book reservations at least three (3) days in advance, when possible, directly with Amtrak via the Amtrak web site. For non-Amtrak rail travel, Third-Party Personnel should take reasonable steps to book reservations in advance via the lowest cost method (i.e., online).

5. Lodging 

Reimbursement for reasonable overnight lodging will be provided only if the overnight lodging is a KU business-related requirement and specifically authorized in writing. Third-Party Personnel are to use standard single hotel accommodation at the prevailing commercial rates within a reasonable distance from the destination KU location. The use of high-priced rooms, suites, executive floors, or concierge levels is not reimbursable. Hotels over $300/night require the pre-approval by the Appropriate Authority. Non-refundable lodging commitments or applicable change fees will not be reimbursed if a trip is changed or canceled. If a hotel is utilized that offers free breakfast, additional breakfast expenses will not be reimbursed. University rates at local hotels, where available, should be used if feasible.

6. Food 

Meal and incidental expense reimbursements will be based on federal per diem rates by hotel location. Meal and hotel tips are included in the daily per diem rates and will not be reimbursed separately. When travel does not include an overnight stay (i.e. same-day trips), KU will allow Third-Party Personnel one reimbursable meal. In the event a meal is provided by the University, meal expenses for the remainder of the day should reflect a decrease in the per diem rate as appropriate (e.g., if lunch is provided, per diem amount for lunch should not be applied to dinner).

7. Alcohol 

Alcoholic beverages are not a reimbursable expense and will not be paid by KU.

8. Communication Expenses 

Cellular devices, hotel devices, Wi-Fi, and other communication expenses are not reimbursed by KU and should be at the Third-Party’s cost.

9. Local Travel 

In order to provide cost-effective services to KU, the Third-Party must use best efforts to supply qualified local personnel for performance of services for KU to the extent reasonably possible. KU has no responsibility to reimburse any travel expenses performed by local personnel supplied by Third-Party. For the purposes of this Policy, the term “local” means residence or Third-Party designated office of the applicable personnel within a 75-mile radius of the KU location where the applicable services are performed.

10. Travel Time 

Third-Party personal travel time is not a reimbursable expense and will not be paid by KU.

11. Other Expenses 

All other expenses must be authorized in writing prior to incurring such expenses. Otherwise, such expenses will not be reimbursed.

12. Receipts & Reimbursement 

Third-Party Personnel making their own travel arrangements are to use their own personal or company credit card for travel expenses and the Third-Party must submit an invoice via email to the KU Representative. If the expense are directly related to a purchase order also copy the following contacts in the email and reference the purchase order number:
All reimbursements are determined in accordance with the applicable Third-Party agreement or purchase order terms and conditions. 
Reimbursement requests and invoices not preapproved in writing by the KU Representative will be rejected or returned to the Third Party. All expense claims submissions must be no later than 30 days after the date the actual expense was incurred, or KU reserves the right to deny reimbursement.
All expenses should be supported by itemized receipts except meals, which are covered by meal per diem. Summarized credit card receipts, credit card statements, and canceled checks cannot be used to claim reimbursements. Spousal companion, and/or family travel costs will not be reimbursed.
Exclusions or Special Circumstances: 

Generally, vacation rental platforms (i.e., Airbnb, VRBO) should not be used unless pre-approved in writing by the Appropriate Authority.

In the event of unforeseen circumstances (e.g., severe weather, natural disasters, airline cancellations, public health emergencies) that impact the Third-Party Personnel’s itinerary, the University may reimburse reasonable additional expenses incurred as a direct result of the disruption.

Individuals must provide documentation (e.g., airline notifications, receipts, or official weather advisories) supporting the reason for the extended stay or increased travel costs and are expected to make reasonable efforts to minimize additional expenses.

Travel expenses that are assumed to be covered as part of an honorarium are not reimbursable and do not fall under the scope of this policy.


In the event receipts are not provided, any expense will be 1099 taxable.



KU Center for Research

Approved by: 
Chief Procurement Officer
Approved on: 
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Effective on: 
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
client, contractors
Change History: 

03/25/2025: New policy published in the Policy Library. 

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