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Work Schedules, Flex-Time, and Job Sharing


To provide guidance on defining work schedules and the authorization of flex-time or job sharing for Unclassified Professional Staff or University Support Staff holding non-exempt (hourly) and exempt (salaried) positions.

Applies to: 

All Unclassified Professional and University Support Staff positions.

Juniper Gardens
Policy Statement: 
The University of Kansas strives to create a workplace that is both productive and supportive of a work/life balance. Units are encouraged to allow flexibility in work schedules, when possible, and to develop mechanisms to assure that assigned work is completed timely. Not all units and/or jobs may be eligible for a flexible work schedule based upon the business need for a specific on-site presence during a defined work schedule. 
A. Staff Reporting for Work: Employees are expected to report to the unit or job during assigned work hours and follow the attendance, sick, and vacation leave policies of the unit/University. Notification of any unexpected absence by the employee is expected to be made to the supervisor within the first 30 minutes of the assigned work shift following the communication processes identified by the unit. Failure to do so may be considered a no call/no show to the worksite and may result in disciplinary action. Job abandonment or presumed resignation occurs when an employee fails to report to work and notify the supervisor for multiple work shifts or workdays without a justifiable explanation.
B. Establishing Work Schedules: Units establish work schedules for staff to maintain necessary operations and services. Weekend and/or night work schedules may be assigned based upon the requirements of the position within the unit. Rotating, weekend and/or night schedules should be posted in advance and rotated to minimize impact on staff. Work schedules may be authorized to alter or stagger the beginning and ending of a workday while matching the position’s FTE/standard work hours. In the case of emergency situations, the unit may authorize an immediate work schedule change on a temporary basis or for a defined period of time.
C. Permanent or Extended Change in Work Schedules: The unit has the discretion to permanently, or for an extended period of time (at least two weeks), change the established work schedule. Except in the case of emergency situations or with the mutual agreement of the unit and the staff member, the unit will notify the affected employee(s) in writing at least ten working days prior to the permanent/extended work schedule change. 
D. Non-Standard Work Schedule Approvals: Requests to implement a permanent work schedule that differs from the standard work week of eight hours per day, five days a week (e.g., a four day work week) must have prior approval of the unit/department head and must not change the FTE/standard work hours the employee is assigned to work per week. Such permanent work schedule changes must be made by the supervisor in the HR/Pay System. Additional guidance can be found under related procedures in this policy.
E. Flex-Time Within a Work Schedule: The unit supervisor has the discretion to allow or assign temporary or intermittent flex-time within an established work schedule when requested by a staff member or when dictated by the needs of the unit. For example, a staff member may request flex-time for personal or family reasons (e.g. transportation schedules, child care arrangements, class attendance). The unit may require flex-time for projects, an impending deadline, or other legitimate business needs regardless of assigned work location. Paid non-meal break times cannot be used to provide flex-time. 
a. Flex-Time Options: Some ways to create flex-time within the work schedule may include:
i.   early departure;
ii.  late arrival; 
iii. altering the length of the lunch hour if in compliance with the University’s Break Periods policy; or
iv. working longer/shorter day(s) in the work week while matching the position’s FTE/standard work hours. The employee’s work schedule in the HR/Pay System must be updated to reflect permanent changes of assigned daily work hours (see Section D. Non-Standard Work Schedule Approvals).
b. Determining Factors: Some units are not able to authorize a flexible work schedule for certain types of jobs that require a standard workday schedule, on-site presence, on-site supervision, and/or because of the needs of the unit. Unit supervisors should take into consideration the following factors when determining if the best interests of the University are served with either a permanent flexible work schedule or with a flexible work schedule covering a defined time period. Emergency situations may alter work schedule needs and flexibility for designated essential employees to ensure continuous business operations.
i.   Coverage during core hours of operation would be provided to ensure work functions are performed and customer/visitor coverage is maintained;
ii.  The nature of work allows variation or flexibility in schedules;
iii. Flexible work schedules could also be offered to others in the unit;
iv. The unit must understand and be responsible for fiscal liabilities (e.g. compensatory time, additional hours, and shift differential);
v.  The number of hours worked per week (and/or reported as paid or unpaid leave) are consistent with the FTE/standard work hours; and 
vi. The overall needs of the unit would be met.
c. Documentation: Units should complete the Flex-Time Agreement Form providing a copy to the employee. The agreement should be reviewed annually or upon the identified end date. Any permanent work schedule changes need to be made in the HR/Pay System.
F. Work Schedules for Job Sharing: The unit may authorize the sharing of a full-time set of job responsibilities with part-time arrangements between multiple staff members after consultation with Human Resource Management (HRM) and after considering budgetary impacts. Assignments are limited term, not to exceed one year in duration. Limited term designations may be renewed annually upon the conclusion of an operational review. Reasons to consider job sharing requests may include child care, educational progress, or other compelling reasons. Termination or non-renewal of an existing job-share arrangement should be addressed with the consultation of HRM. 
Exclusions or Special Circumstances: 

Employees in union 1290PE covered positions are required to comply with the terms as outlined in the applicable Memorandum of Agreement.

Designated work schedule of regular (non-temporary) Unclassified Professional Staff and University Support Staff non-exempt (hourly) staff that begin before 6:00 AM or end after 6:00 PM require the payment of shift differential for the entire work schedule.

All rules and benefits applicable to regular, part-time employment will be in effect for job sharing arrangements (e.g. refer to policies noted below).

For work weeks in which a holiday is designated refer to the Flex Time Agreement Form  and/or Human Resource Management’s Holiday Eligibility and Reporting Guide.  

Flexible work schedules are an option to provide flexibility for when work is performed. They are not intended to reduce the number of hours expected under the terms of an employee's appointment. Unit supervisors must ensure that the number of hours worked per week (and/or reported as paid or unpaid leave) under any flexible work schedule is consistent with the FTE/work schedule of the employee's appointment as reflected in the HR/Pay System.

It is not advised that units authorize flexible work schedules to staff with whom there is a pattern of attendance problems. Consult with HRM for assistance as needed.

Individuals with disabilities and/or medical conditions who need a flexible work schedule to perform their essential job duties may contact the ADA Resource Center for Equity and Accessibility for information about the reasonable accommodation process. Additional information about Employee Accommodations can be found online.


Failure to comply with established work schedules and reporting requirements may result in work schedule restrictions and/or disciplinary action.

Human Resource Management
103 Carruth-O’Leary Hall
1246 W. Campus Road
Lawrence, KS 66045
Approved by: 
Vice Provost for Operations
Approved on: 
Friday, March 13, 2020
Effective on: 
Friday, March 13, 2020
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)

This has been an HRM business process in the past, but was placed into a policy at the request of the Family Friendly work group appointed by the Provost Office to support staff work/life balance and was reviewed by the Staff Senate Personnel Committee.


Work Schedule: An employee’s regularly assigned hours of the day, days of the week, and shift rotations.

Permanent or Extended Change in Work Schedules: A work schedule change that is for an extended period of time (at least two work weeks/pay period) or permanent change.

Temporary Work Schedule Change: A work schedule change which is intermittent or less than a two work weeks/pay period.

Flex-Time: Any set, routine work schedule other than eight hours per day (with a 30 minute to 1-hour lunch) during a five-day week or temporary, intermittent alterations in set work schedule.

Job Sharing: A limited term, annually renewable appointment of part-time staff to share responsibilities of a full-time job.

Disability – In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12102): Disability means, with respect to an individual: a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of such an individual; a record of having such an impairment; or being regarded as having such an impairment. Such impairments could include but are not limited to; amputation, schizophrenia, anxiety, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Intellectual/ Developmental Disorders, blindness, or hearing loss.

Physical Impairment - physiological condition, anatomic loss, etc. that affects one or more of the body’s systems i.e. musculoskeletal, neurological, digestive. 

Mental Impairment - mental or psychological condition – i.e. intellectual disability/development disability, learning disabilities, emotional and mental health.

Illness - an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves: inpatient care in a hospital, hospice, or residential medical care facility; or continuing treatment by a health care provider.  Reasons for leave may include mental health related treatment, symptoms, or diagnoses.

Condition - physical, mental, or medical disease, illness, or injury. Any condition– e.g., physiologic, mental, or psychologic conditions or disorders including but not limited to: orthopedic, visual, speech, or hearing impairments, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, intellectual/ developmental disabilities, emotional or mental health disorders, HIV, drug addiction, or alcoholism.

Work Schedule, Flex Time, Non-Exempt, Exempt
Change History: 

07/13/2021: Updated link.
04/30/2021: Updated policy to include mental health terminology.
03/13/2020: Approved and placed in the Policy Library. This document was approved through an expedited process in order to provide guidance given concerns related to COVID-19.

Personnel: Administrators Categories: 
Workplace Rules & Guidelines
Personnel: Faculty/Academic Staff Categories: 
Workplace Rules & Guidelines
Personnel: Staff Categories: 
Workplace Rules & Guidelines
Personnel: Student Employees Categories: 
Workplace Rules & Guidelines

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