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Spencer Research Library Retention Schedule


To articulate the retention requirements for documents related to Spencer Research Library.

Applies to: 

Spencer Research Library Faculty and Staff.

Policy Statement: 
Series Title Series Description Official Copy Retention Period Disposition Notes
Accession/Donor Records Record for each collection, providing basic information about the collection, where it came from, what it is, when it arrived, special issues, etc. Includes Deeds of Gifts, Loan forms, correspondence, and accession/transfer forms. Department or Office Retain permanently in department or transfer to University Archives when no longer useful. University Archivves.  
Bibliographic and Finding Aid Records Library catalog cards and records, EADs, box lists, or notebooks serving as finding aids to collections in the library's holdings. Department or Office or the integrated library management system. Retain permanently or until superseded. University Archives or Secure destruction  
Permission to Publish forms Forms completed by patrons who wish to use reproductions of materials, or the information therein, in publications. Department or Office Retain permanently. University Archives  
Patron Registration Cards Cards filled out by patrons with name, address, phone number and signature attesting compliance with Spencer Research Library policy. Department or Office Retain permanently. University Archives  
Patron Registration Records Online registration form completed by patrons with name, address, phone number, and agreement to comply with Spencer Research Library policy. Aeon automated system. Retain permanently. University Archives  
Correspondence Subject Files Correspondence files relating to particular subjects or topics that are deemed to have historic value. Department or Office Retain until no longer useful, then transfer to the University Archives for purging. University Archives Similar to Administrative Files.
Departmental Surveys and Inventories Files Documents related to records surveys and inventories compiled by University Archives staff as part of the process of appraising and scheduling records. University Archives Permanent. University Archives May require some purging of drafts.
Book Purchase Files Purchase orders, correspondence, etc. related to purchasing books from vendors. Special Collections Permanent. University Archives  
Call Slips Forms completed by patrons and staff members to request retrieval of materials from the holdings. Department or Office Retain for 10 fiscal years, then destroy. Secure destruction  
Correspondence - Reference Correspondence with research patrons regarding a wide range of historical topics. Department or Office Retain until no longer useful, then destroy. Secure destruction  
Permission to Copy Forms Forms used by patrons to request duplication services. Department or Office Retain for 2 fiscal years, then destroy. Secure destruction  
Processors' Notes Notes taken by staff regarding work on specific record series, record groups, or collections assigned to them. Department or Office When project is completed file in appropriate Accession File and retain accordingly. Permanent  
Inventory Control Database Computer database containing information on the contents, location, retention, and disposition of records stored at/in the University Archives and maintained to facilitate record retrieval and destruction.  University Archives Retain until superceded, then destroy. Secure destruction  
Transfer Forms Form filled out by departmental or school staff detailing the box contents of records transferred to the University Archives and maintained for access control purposes. University Archives Retain until no longer useful, then destroy. Secure destruction  
Departmental Files Documents related to specific schools or departments such as correspondence, class assignments, class syllabus, etc. University Archives Permanent University Archives  
Surveys and Inventories Databases Databases created in preparing inventories and retention and disposition schedules for schools and departments. University Archives Revise as needed. University Archives  
Theft Report Files Appraisals, correspondence, accounts of theft, police reports, etc. relating to thefts of materials from the collections. Department or Office Permanent University Archives  
Volunteer Files Copies of applications and other documentation relating to the recruitment and activities of library volunteers. Department or Office Retain until no longer useful, then destroy. Secure destruction  
Staff Sign-In Log Log of Departmental or School staff who come to University Archives to retrieve records. University Archives Retain for 5 fiscal years, then destroy. Secure destruction  
Records Management Files Documents related to specific schools or departments regarding the development of retention and disposition schedules. University Archives Permanent University Archives  
Key Files Card File and Database of keys for Spencer Research Library Head of Spencer Permanent University Archives  
Studies Applications Applications submitted by individuals wanting a study at Spencer Research Library. Reader Services Retain until no longer useful, then destroy. Secure destruction  
Security Records Security logs, sign-in sheets, security activity reports, incident reports, etc. relating to security provided for university buildings and grounds. Head of Spencer Retain for 1 fiscal year, then destroy. Secure destruction Restricted.



Kenneth Spencer Research Library
The University of Kansas
1450 Poplar Lane
Lawrence, KS  66045


Approved by: 
Assistant Dean for Distinctive Collections
Approved on: 
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Effective on: 
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
records, retention
Change History: 

08/08/2024: Converted from PDF to live text page.
10/12/2017: Revised/Updated.
05/19/2011: Approved

Libraries Categories: 
Privacy and Confidentiality

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