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Graduate Research Assistant, Graduate Teaching Assistant, and Graduate Assistant Appointments: General Guidelines and Eligibility


To describe the principles and eligibility requirements that govern GRA, GTA, and GA appointments at KU.

Applies to: 

Graduate Research Assistants, Graduate Teaching Assistants, Graduate Assistants, Appointing Officers

Policy Statement: 

The following premises and eligibility requirements govern all Graduate Research Assistant (GRA), Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA), and Graduate Assistant (GA) appointments at the University of Kansas Lawrence and Edwards campuses:


  1. Individuals who enroll in graduate educational programs at the University of Kansas do so in order to attain specific educational goals. It is the University’s responsibility to help ensure that graduate students attain their academic goals in a reasonable amount of time and move on to the next stage in their careers, whether to another advanced degree program or to professional employment.
  2. When departments and schools offer GRA, GTA, or GA appointments, the assistantships must contribute to the training experience of the graduate student.
  3. GRA, GTA, and GA responsibilities should be in balance with the student’s responsibilities to the graduate program. For salaried appointments of 50% (0.5 FTE), the expectation is that the assigned duties will average 20 hours per week during the semester. For hourly appointments of 50% (0.5 FTE), assigned duties should require 20 hours per week during the semester. For appointments at other percentages, the number of hours per week must be proportional to the appointment percentage.

Appointment Limits

During the fall and spring semesters, GTA appointments shall not normally exceed 50% (0.50 FTE). GTA appointments in excess of 0.50 FTE must be approved by the Dean's Office of the appointing school or college in advance of an appointment offer and will be approved only in extraordinary circumstances. See the Memorandum of Agreement between The University of Kansas and the American Federation of Teachers - Kansas (Representing Graduate Teaching Assistants at the University of Kansas, Lawrence).

During the fall and spring semesters, GA appointments shall not normally exceed 50% (0.50 FTE). GA appointments in excess of 50% (0.50 FTE) must be approved by the student's home academic unit in advance of an appointment offer. Although GTA, and GA appointments in excess of 50% (0.50 FTE) have the undesirable potential to extend time toward degree or otherwise negatively impact academic progress, GRA appointments contribute directly to students' research agendas. Therefore, during the fall and spring semesters, GRA appointments of up to 72.5% (0.725 FTE) may be made without a request for an exception.

(Please see the Exceptions/Special Circumstances section below for more information.) Departments are expected to monitor appointments in excess of 50% (0.50 FTE) to ensure that the graduate students’ assistantship assignments enhance their academic preparation and do not interfere with progress toward degree.

Combined Appointments

Any combination of GTA, GRA, or GA appointments is permitted without a request for an exception, provided neither the GTA nor the GA portion exceeds .50 FTE and the total FTE between all appointments does not exceed .725 FTE.

In cases of combined GTA/GA appointments, the student’s home academic unit must also confirm the student is making satisfactory progress and approves of the additional workload in advance of an offer of employment.

Appointments Outside of Fall & Spring

During the summer session(s), winter intersession, GTAs, GRAs, GAs, or any combination of these appointments, may be appointed up to 100% (1.0 FTE), at the hiring unit's discretion without a request for an exception. Hiring units should be advised of the potential legal and fiscal implications posed by appointments that exceed 72.5% (0.725 FTE), including changes to insurance eligibility under the Affordable Care Act. For more information about these implications, hiring units should consult with Human Resources. Departments, research centers, schools, and the college may adopt more stringent limitations as appropriate to their needs.

Eligibility Requirements

Graduate Teaching Assistant Appointment Eligibility
Graduate Research Assistant Appointment Eligibility
Graduate Assistant Appointment Eligibility

Exclusions or Special Circumstances: 

During the fall and spring semesters, GTA, GRA, GA, or combined appointments above 72.5% (0.725 FTE) must additionally be authorized by the appropriate dean(s) or vice provost(s) in accordance with the policy on Student Employee Eligibility Requirements and Appointment Limits. Exceptions for GTA appointment limits must comply with the provisions of the GTA Memorandum of Agreement.

International students may be subject to additional limitations on employment. International students should contact International Student Services (ISS) for more information.


Graduate Studies
213 Strong Hall
1450 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, KS 66045

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Dean’s Office
200 Strong Hall
1450 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, KS 66045

Approved by: 
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Approved on: 
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Effective on: 
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
GTA Appointments, GRA Appointments, GA Appointments, Graduate Teaching Assistants, Graduate Research Assistants, Graduate Assistants
Change History: 

03/27/2025: Updated MOA links.
08/01/2024: Updated appointment FTE stipulations and approval criteria for appointments 0.5 FTE and higher.
07/18/2023: Fixed links, approval by changed to Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor.
06/10/2022: Updated broken link.
10/22/2020: Replaced Graduate Studies approval authority with the appointing school or college.
11/27/2017: Updated Policy Statement.
11/29/2016: Policy Revision approved 10/25/2016 by Stuart Day - ARG.
06/17/2016: Technical edits for process clarification; compliance with the gender neutralization initiative. - ARG.
10/15/2017: Policy formatting cleanup (e.g., bolding, spacing).
07/2014: Minor edits were made to reflect appointment limits in the Student Employee Eligibility Requirements and Appointment Limits policy.
01/13/2014: Made technical edits to related document links.
08/11/2011: These guidelines were updated by Graduate Studies and the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor.
05/23/2007: These guidelines were updated by the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
06/17/2005: These guidelines were updated by the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor. 
06/01/1998: These general guidelines were first promulgated in the “University of Kansas, Lawrence Policies and Guidelines for GTA and GRA Appointments”.

Personnel: Student Employees Categories: 

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