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Mobile Communication & Information Devices


The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance to the University community regarding the proper procurement, use, and possession of mobile communication and information devices to ensure that the use of mobile technology for University business is correctly authorized and appropriate; and to ensure that the University is correctly reimbursed for occasional incidental or emergency personal use of University mobile technology.

Applies to: 

This policy applies to all mobile communication and information devices and services used by University of Kansas employees in the course of their employment, regardless of the source of funding for the device and services.

Juniper Gardens
Medical Center, Kansas City
Policy Statement: 

Mobile communication and information devices (Mobile CIDs) are an effective resource and enable communication in areas or situations where landline phones and/or internet access is not available or is impractical. However, the cost incurred for Mobile CIDs must be weighed carefully against any benefits. Mobile CIDs, including, but not limited to cellular telephones, handheld or tablet computers with cellular data capability, internet access, personal digital assistants (PDAs), may be provided to certain University of Kansas employees for three principal reasons:

1) The employee's responsibilities require that the employee be immediately accessible at all times. Examples include the Chancellor, the Director of University Relations, the University General Counsel, the Director of Public Safety, the Executive Vice Chancellor, Vice Chancellors, the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor, Vice Provosts, Deans, and others as appropriate. The employee’s responsibilities also may require immediate access to email, internet service and text messaging capability. Such employees are Group 1 employees for purposes of this policy.

2)Employees whose positions have been determined to be hybrid or remote and that require internet service assistance to complete job responsibilities may receive budgetary assistance from their unit. Providing internet service assistance is at a unit’s budgetary discretion and is not a required benefit. For the purposes of this policy, individuals who receive internet service assistance from their unit will be considered Group 1 employees.

3)The employee performs the majority of job activities "in the field," where business either cannot be conducted on a landline phone or where it would be inefficient to use a landline phone. Examples include faculty or staff members who are conducting research in the field and Facilities Operations and Information Technology (IT) staff members whose daily assignments take them to various sites on campus. This category also includes employees whose responsibilities periodically require travel or emergency contact availability. In such instances, it may be appropriate for the unit to contract for mobile devices that can be shared among staff members depending on their assignments. Such employees are Group 2 employees for purposes of this policy.

Group 2 employees who wish to have a mobile CID for personal use are expected to carry a second individually owned device. University-owned and supported CIDs are for business purposes only.

All mobile devices and services, whether funded from the University, KU Center for Research, Inc. (KUCR), KUMC Research Institute (KUMCRI), or KU Endowment Association (KUEA), must be justified on the basis of work assignments, must be recommended by the employee's unit head and the appropriate dean, director, vice chancellor, or vice provost. Each campus is responsible for establishing procedures for approval.

This policy does not limit units from purchasing mobile tablet computers with cellular data capabilities without a data plan for employees to use as substitute or addition to a PC or laptop. Employees are also allowed to purchase data plans for KU owned mobile tablet computers by personal choice if their unit provides the device but does not purchase a data plan. If device and data plan are purchased and provided by the unit, the device falls under Group 2 per this policy.

Group 1 and Group 2 Mobile Device Responsibilities

Group 1:

All employees in Group 1 will receive supplemental salary up to a specified amount per pay period to cover the cost of mobile communication and information devices and services. An employee may not receive more than one mobile CID salary supplement. The amount of supplemental salary authorized is based on whether the supervisor has determined that the employee requires voice only, data only, or voice and data service in order to perform duties. Supplemental salary to cover the cost of mobile CIDs is subject to payroll tax withholdings. It does not constitute an increase in base pay, will not be included in any percentage calculations for increase to base pay, and does not qualify as compensation for retirement contribution purposes. See the Salary Supplement table under the heading of “Mobile Communication and Information Device (CID)” for currently approved supplemental salary amounts.

Employee responsibilities: It is the employee’s responsibility to select and manage the approved level of service and to ensure that the mobile device remains in good working condition. The employee owns the device and is responsible for warranties, repairs, upgrades, and replacements.

Employees are responsible for operating state-owned vehicles and potentially hazardous equipment in a safe and prudent manner; therefore, employees should refrain from using mobile devices while operating such vehicles and equipment.

Unit responsibilities: It is the unit head’s responsibility to identify any employees who are included in Group 1. Units with employees who fall into this category are responsible for covering the cost of the approved salary supplement and for reviewing the necessity of the salary supplement by May 1 for the following fiscal year.

Group 2:

For employees in Group 2, the following guidelines apply:

The lowest-cost service plan available to accommodate the particular business need of the employee shall be utilized. The supplier of Mobile CIDs shall be expected to present a monthly billing statement of use by the University, showing for each call the date, time, length, billing charge, and phone number of the other party, when such number is available.

The Office of the General Counsel and IT must review all new contracts; IT also must review all renewing service contracts. Normal contract length should be one year. The University owns the device and enters into the contract with the supplier.

Grant or contract funds may not be used for the purchase or installation of mobile equipment and may not be used as the funding source for ongoing monthly charges unless specifically authorized in the grant award or contract document.

Employee responsibilities: Each employee shall be responsible for the safe keeping, care, and custody of the device assigned to the employee. Employees are responsible for operating state-owned vehicles and potentially hazardous equipment in a safe and prudent manner; therefore, employees should refrain from using mobile devices while operating such vehicles and equipment.

Each employee must review the detailed monthly statement for billing accuracy. The user must identify all personal calls (including those that do not generate a charge) and must certify that the KU-supported mobile CID was used for business purposes, with only de minimis personal use. The certified call detail should be received in the appropriate campus office within 12 days of receiving the monthly statement.

The University of Kansas provides mobile devices to employees for the purpose of conducting University business. Employees assigned a University-owned CID are expected to carry a second individually owned device if they wish to have a mobile CID for personal use. In accordance with, IRS regulations, more than de minimis personal use of an employer-provided cell phone is prohibited. When monthly plan usage (date or phone) is exceeded because of unauthorized personal usage, the employee must reimburse the unit for those excess charges. The employee’s reimbursement check must be submitted with the signed monthly statement described in the preceding paragraph.

Unit responsibilities: Unit heads or supervisors shall periodically review all Mobile CID plans used by their employees to evaluate cost efficiency and to ensure compliance with this policy.

Unit heads or supervisors will ensure that when an employee changes units or leaves the University, all equipment (e.g., chargers, extra batteries, hands-free devices) is returned to the unit and service is cancelled or transferred to an approved employee.

Conducting University business during non-work hours via University cell phones or other phones is a compensable activity for non-exempt (hourly) staff under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) if the phone conversation lasts fifteen minutes or more. Supervisors need to be aware of this obligation and manage staff time accordingly. Units are required to submit unit deposit information at the same time that the employee submits the detailed monthly statement described above.


Unit heads or supervisors who become aware of a violation of the letter or spirit of this policy shall take such remedial action as may be appropriate to control any such violation.

Failure to comply with this policy, including multiple instances of personal use of a University-owned CID, will result in loss of mobile communication and information device and service privileges and may result in appropriate disciplinary action.


Contact for all programs reporting to the Lawrence campus:
Office of the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice Chancellor.
1450 Jayhawk Blvd., 250 Strong Hall
Lawrence, KS 66045

Contact for all programs reporting to the University of Kansas Medical Center:
Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor
Vice Chancellor for Administration
Second Floor, Murphy
3901 Rainbow Blvd.
Kansas City, KS 66160

Approved by: 
Approved on: 
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Effective on: 
Friday, August 12, 2011
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
Cell, phone, cellular, telephone, hand-held, tablet, computer, internet, access, personal, digital, assistants, PDAs, mobile, CID
Change History: 

02/28/2025: Updated Vice Provost for Finance to Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice Chancellor.
01/13/2025: Uploaded accessible version of the Lawrence Campus - Procedures for Implementing and Managing the All-University Policy on Mobile Communication and Information Devices (Mobile CIDs) Policy in the Related Statutes, Regulations, and/or Policies section.
09/22/2023: Updated broken link.
05/26/2022: Policy updated to include remote and hybrid employee stipulations.
12/10/2021: Fixed broken link.
02/19/2021: Updated links to Lawrence Campus Cell Phone Request forms and procedure.
04/05/2019: Updated policy.
03/08/2019: Changed title from VP for Administration and Finance to Chief Financial Officer and VP for Finance.
06/21/2018: Updated link to KUMC policy.
07/11/2016: Updated to remove gendered pronouns.
10/17/2014: Policy formatting cleanup (e.g., bolding, spacing).
12/18/2013: Purpose statement and title revised to clarify that the policy applies to handheld or tablet computers with cellular data capability.
05/26/2011: This all-University policy was approved by Chancellor Bernadette Gray-Little. It supersedes the cellular phone policies previously in effect at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, and the University of Kansas Medical Center.

Financial Categories: 
Information Access & Technology Categories: 
Information Technology
Personnel: Administrators Categories: 
Workplace Rules & Guidelines
Personnel: Affiliates/Volunteers Categories: 
Workplace Rules & Guidelines
Personnel: Faculty/Academic Staff Categories: 
Workplace Rules & Guidelines
Personnel: Staff Categories: 
Workplace Rules & Guidelines
Personnel: Student Employees Categories: 
Workplace Rules & Guidelines

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